Friday, July 19, 2013

Kanye West Goes Postal on Another Photog

Kanye West Allegedly Goes Postal on Another Photog Paramedics On Scene

Kanye West allegedly just attacked another photog at LAX moments ago -- and it's so bad ... paramedics are on scene.

Sources connected with the photog tell us, Kanye was on his way out of the airport when he went ballistic, attacking the paparazzo.

An eyewitness tells us, Kanye was leaving the terminal with a bodyguard and approximately five paparazzi surrounded him, snapping pictures. We're told one photog was especially aggressive -- not a TMZ photog -- and probed Kanye with tons of questions.

We're told Kanye told the man not to ask him questions, but he kept going -- and Kanye attacked, attempting several punches, and the man fell down. Paramedics and police are currently on scene.

Kanye has been out of the country since last week ... when he laid down his now-infamous anti-pap rules, telling our photog NEVER TO TALK TO HIM EVER.

The extent of the photog's injuries are unclear. Kanye is nowhere to be seen.

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