Sunday, July 21, 2013

Kevin Rudd wins over party leadership rules

The federal Labor caucus has endorsed a plan to allow the parliamentary leader to be elected by MPs and party members in a move that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says will democratise the party and ensure ''the prime minister the Australian people vote for is the prime minister the Australian people get''.

The changes mean a Labor leader would be elected by 50 per cent of MPs and 50 per cent of rank and file members. The caucus has also ratified a move that will see the support of 75 per cent of caucus being required to force a ballot against a sitting prime minister, which drops to 60 per cent for a Labor opposition leader.

The ALP national conference, expected to be convened in 2014, will have the final say on the reforms. Labor MPs met at a special sitting of the caucus in Sydney on Monday morning to discuss the changes.

Protesters against the government's PNG plan for asylum seekers gather outside Balmain Town Hall, where Labor is holding a special caucus meeting. Photo: Cole Bennetts/Getty Images

The meeting was marred by protesters against the Rudd government's hardline policy against asylum seekers and others against the carbon tax.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Rudd said the ALP had decided to ''democratise the party for the future''.

''Each of our members now gets to have a say, a real say in the future leadership of our party. Decisions can no longer simply be made by a factional few," he told reporters in Balmain.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd jokes with Deputy Prime Minister Anothony Albanese at the meeting of caucus at Balmain Town Hall. Photo: Cole Bennetts/Getty Images

''But these reforms also extend beyond party lines,'' Mr Rudd said, adding that in future, the Prime Minister Australians elected would be the Prime Minister they got.

''I believe this is a positive day for democracy in Australia an historic day for the Australian Labor Party and a great day for Australian Labor Party members across our nation.''

Mr Rudd dismissed suggestions that the party reforms would not be supported by the Labor Party conference, particularly by elements of the union movement.

''The caucus is the master of its own destiny. The caucus has spoken,'' Mr Rudd said.

Mr Rudd described debate during the meeting as ''vigorous'' and said he knew that there would be some resistance ''from a few folk around the show. That's normal, given the composition of our great and glorious movement''.

Longtime Labor MP Daryl Melham said: ''I've been in Parliament for 23 years and I have seen a lot of leadership changes in that time. I trust the rank and file more than I trust some of my colleagues.

''If unionists want to be included then let them join the Labor Party.''

Another Labor MP said it was ''a great victory for Kevin''.

The MP said that Mr Rudd told the meeting that Labor could hold all its seats at the upcoming federal election and named eight further seats the party could even win back.

Mr Rudd named Denison in Tasmania, Hasluck in Western Australia, Solomon in the Northern Territory, Boothby in South Australia, Aston and Dunkley in Victoria and Macquarie and Bennelong in NSW.

The Labor MP, who is close to Mr Rudd, said "the odds are shortening" for an August 31 election.

"[But] the only two people who would really know are Bruce Hawker and Kevin Rudd," he said.

Earlier this month, Mr Rudd announced a plan that would result in the direct election of the ALP leader by a combination of rank and file ballot and caucus, as well as other preconditions, making hostile leadership changes all but impossible.

This reform is the latest in a series of changes that Mr Rudd has announced since he was reinstalled as Labor leader in late June.

This includes moving to an emissions trading scheme one year early and a radical plan to resettle refugees in Papua New Guinea.

''What we have been doing in the last three weeks is we have been getting our own house in order with this major reform to the parliamentary party,'' he said. ''We have also been putting our best foot forward on key areas of policy.''

It is believed that Mr Rudd is preparing the way to announce an election soon, with August 31 firming as the preferred date.

with AAP Follow the National Times on Twitter

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