Sunday, July 21, 2013

True Blood Season 6 Spoilers: Who Will Die?

The rumor going into tonight's episode of season 6 is that someone will die. With the way last week's episode of season 6 ended, we wouldn't be surprised by a death tonight. A few major characters found themselves in deadly situations. Some of these people were Eric, Pam, Sookie, Lafayette and Terry. Another clue hinting towards a death in tonight's episode of True Blood is that the original title for the next episode was "The Funeral." The title has changed, but our theory on a major death has not.

According to several sources, there will be a couple of deaths on True Blood season 6, but only one main character will die. So, this makes us wonder about the True Blood season 6 death. We came up with the four most likely candidates to die on this season of True Blood.

1. Terry Bellefleur

We never expected Terry to last on True Blood as long as he did, and we were even more shocked when he didn't die last season. So now seems like Terry's time to die. The result of Terry's storyline last season ended in more emotional trauma for him. Though Arlene seems fine with Terry killing Patrick, Terry does not. He even went as far as to ask a friend to kill him. We'd hope Terry would change his mind and save himself from such a fatal ending. He has a wife and kids to think about, and Arlene has already lost one man she loved in a horrific way. Why must Arlene face more pain? However, our theory is that Terry will change his mind, but it will be too late. He will be executed in an unexpected tragic way.

2. Arlene

In an attempt to save Terry, Arlene gets killed instead. Arlene has been a major character for awhile, with ties to everyone, so her death would have the most emotional impact on the town.

3. Lafayette

Lafayette has been possessed before, but this time we wonder if the only way to stop Sookie's dad will be to kill LaLa. We hope Sookie can find another way, but it seems kind of pointless for the writers to set up that scene if it won't have a major emotional repercussion. Another thing working against Lafayette living past True Blood season 6 is that he died in the books. True Blood has not been following the books very closely, but they may decide it's time to start and send Lafayette to his death.

4. Andy Bellefleur

Another Bellefleur facing emotional trauma is Andy. Jessica has killed all his daughters but one. He wants revenge, and despite Holly's attempt at calming him, we think Andy may still seek revenge. Andy is no match for the all powerful Billith. So, if Andy challenges Bill, he will die. But hopefully Bill will consider the fact that Andy is family and not kill him. But you really never know what this new Bill.

Another clue hinting that the True Blood season 6 death will be one of these four is that it will apparently brings the town together. This basically excludes all vampire possibilities. In addition, in the Comic-Con preview video, none of these four were shown in it that much or at all. Sookie was also speaking in the video at someone's funeral, which means it's someone close to her. Basically, narrowing the choices even more to Lafayette and Arlene, but still leaves Andy and Terry as possibilities.

Let us know who you think will die on True Blood season 6.

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